Month: December 2010

Cloud Computing

Class Assignment:

It seems talk of cloud computing is everywhere. I attended an event at DU last week on records management and even they brought up the idea that you should at least be familiar with cloud computing when approaching the industry because there are many applications where it will be employed in the future.

I used to be an early adopter of technology. I no longer am. Not only is it often
prohibitively expensive, it is generally quickly outdated. I spent $350 on a 3 megapixel camera. It was state of the art at the time.

The confluence of technology trends and cloud computing in this module got me thinking about the obsolescence of cloud computing; that’s not to say that is obsolete but I have to wonder about it in the same way I wonder about all technology today. I told my husband I was going to start an Internet museum dedicated just to our own outdated technology, with detailed photographs of his Apple II and my Sony MiniDisc player taken with my 3 megapixel camera.
Cloud computing is an interesting area and I think it’s filled with opportunities to bring technology to new places and the number of free Internet-based applications and software is sure to level some of the digital divide (particularly since libraries are playing an important role—wouldn’t it be nice to have libraries provide programs letting the average library user know what kinds of freebies are available to them on the Internet? I’m sure this is already happening in places I don’t know about).

I think the popularity of wireless applications in the cellular world will continue to bridge that divide. For example, I read recently that Twitter is very popular with businesses, celebrities and lower income cellular phone users (those who don’t have access to computers regularly but have adopted text messaging capabilities.

However, as future librarians (and archivists and records managers) it’s important to remember how quickly trends come and go and to be mindful of our client’s future need to access information from outdated modes.

Web 3.0: The Semantic Web

Class Assignment:

I found the readings/videos in this module very exciting. I look forward to the day that we have a true Semantic web—I feel like I’ve been waiting for it forever! I’m also looking forward to not having to drive my car.

The Borland article was pretty fascinating—it was interesting to think about how the organizational methodology of librarianship could be applied to emerging technologies. I wish this were a bigger field of exploration in our MLIS studies generally.

I think one of the most interesting elements of the Semantic Web is the criticism of how complicated it is. (I like that it might employ some catalogers). But, really, what isn’t complicated in web infrastructure and coding? It’s not like everybody learned HTML and SEO in high school (perhaps in some areas these days, of course, but not most). Like so many businesses with a presence online, as the Semantic Web is rolled out, the top tier companies will take on the endeavor because they already understand that functionality means business—real business and real dollars. Why do companies spend so much on SEO? SEO can be pretty complicated and time-consuming but it can also make a fledgling business hit the tipping point.

I’m also not opposed to keeping it simple. In fact, it’s the only way to do it on a mass scale. Leave complicated Semantic Web linking to organizations that need them and would truly benefit from the interconnectivity.

And while I know we’re supposed to tie everything to libraries, I actually think the Semantic Web will result in more jobs for knowledge management professionals—and I think that’s good news. Libraries will benefit from the implementation of a more organized Internet but I’m not sure how they will help create it—at least in public libraries (OCLC and Zepheira aside). I can see how academic libraries could implement these things. And god knows that the databases libraries regularly employ need some better search functionality.
I saw this posting on Allan’s Library and I couldn’t help but think this is the problem with library discourse. There are lots of “ooh, this is connected to something about libraries…” And I see the parallels and how it’s connected? Lots of things are closely connected in concept but that doesn’t mean they truly intersect, create stability in funding for libraries, or create library jobs.

And what, exactly, are librarians bringing to the Web 3.0 table? I hope it’s organization but I’m not sure.

Global Issues & Broadband

Class Assignment:

Unlike Ted, I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist. Except the idea of a conspiracy is that it’s happening in secret—this isn’t. Corporations act in their own best interest; net neutrality and broadband access do not work in their favor.

This Slate article discusses Verizon’s CEO lying outright to reporters that the U.S. is number one in adoption of broadband—contradicting reports from the FCC showing that Europe and industrialized Asian nations are far ahead of the U.S. on this issue: Broadband is more expensive here than abroad and that is keeping people from accessing it—and all that is possible with technology, education, and access.

The economic stimulus and broadband article led me to further research and I saw that broadband was included as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act—but the last of those funds have been distributed, according to the Washington Post: It remains to be seen what these efforts resulted in as the implementation is ongoing.

Libraries are one of the very few places that level the playing field for those without the funds to access technology. Access is important for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is finding jobs (particularly in this economy). I found the last three jobs I had online. I haven’t gotten a job from a newspaper ad since 1999. This conversation ties in with the previous one: without regular access to emerging technologies you can count yourself out of a great many jobs in a wide variety of fields. What if I didn’t have the funds to access the internet? And high-speed internet is essential to access all that the web offers in terms of entertainment, education, and empowerment.

Additionally, libraries should be pushing hard for net neutrality because of issues of access and censorship.

Ultimately, net neutrality and broadband access are about the ability of the United States to continue to compete on a global level. If rural citizens don’t have access to broadband it stifles creativity, innovation and small business. The same goes for the outrageous premium urbanites pay for access.

Posting #2 on Technology

Class Assignment:

Being comfortable and experimenting with new technology is so important in the working world today regardless of your field. I’m a writer and an editor, and nearly every job posted in my field demands familiarity and a level of comfort in delivering content in ways I wouldn’t have dreamed of just a decade ago. You have to keep a consistent message across a broad scope of websites and devices including blogs, Facebook and Twitter—with new ones cropping up every day. If you don’t have a background in writing specifically for these channels you will be eliminated before the HR person finishes your cover letter.

And technology is creeping up fast in ways you wouldn’t expect. Recently, I helped a friend complete a virtual interview—she had to use my webcam to answer a set of questions in order to qualify for an in-person interview. Where recruitment is increasingly global this is likely to become more common. Surely it was awkward to talk to my webcam but if she hadn’t been confident in her use of the technology she would have self-selected herself right out of a job.

I was excited to see jobs listed for librarians that are steeped in technology—I wasn’t as excited to see the salaries. I know it’s not polite to talk about money but the idea that you need an MLIS and web development experience as well as A+ certification but the compensation is just $14 an hour (part-time, no less) is ludicrous, in my opinion. And A+ certification is for techs, not web developers so the implication is that the person hiring doesn’t understand the skill set they need or they also want you to fix computers on top of everything else!

That (supplemental) post about the Villa Park position alone is one of the reasons I’m nervous about the future. It seems librarians with technology leanings are best served by heading into academia. The only technology-based job I could find for librarians was at Penn State: It looks like a very interesting position—and I’m going to assume those kinds of jobs will continue to crop up, which means that those who want a foothold on relevant jobs of the future need to keep up.

I’m not as optimistic about public library positions as am other kinds of MLIS-related jobs. I recently read of a disturbing trend in the New York Times: privatization of public libraries. The article is here: It’s an uncertain future for librarians and I’m hoping negative trends will reverse as the economy recovers. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Post #1 Intellectual Property and the Web, Remix Culture

Class Assignment:

I think one of the biggest threats to libraries today is the ridiculous expenses they will incur from the way in which the owners and distributors of information will seek to control it via licensing and the like. Also, the idea of stealing web design is a new one to me–it didn’t really occur to me you copyright, if that makes sense.

That said? I’ve stolen just about every kind of digital media there is to steal. Music, audio books, PDFs, MPEGs. You name it.

I’m not saying it was right. But it didn’t feel wrong. I’d already purchased some of that music on vinyl—why not just snag a digital version? I missed an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer because my affiliate bumped it in favor of basketball—I didn’t see how it was a big deal that I downloaded it from a newsgroup. I felt self-sufficient.

When I heard people were being sued on an individual level I mostly cut it out—who needs that level of hassle over a TV show? It didn’t occur to me that people would use the data for anything but personal use—as Lessig suggested in the NPR interview, at most somebody would use it to create something new (a form of creativity I am very much in favor of).

It wasn’t until recently that I started to think about how that applied to libraries. I don’t think it’s the librarian’s job to act as a data cop; particularly as it’s his or her duty to make data accessible. I recently read that small academic libraries (and others, I’m sure) have taken to getting Netflix subscriptions in order to provide streaming movies and TV shows to users. The idea first surfaced back in 2008 but it seems to have caught fire actually got big enough to catch Netflix’s attention. So far, they are disinclined to go after libraries but certainly if it becomes a bigger issue libraries will force the Netflix corporate hand. And, weirdly, I found myself on the side of Netflix. This is a clear violation of their terms. But what about lending? And streaming? And remix and copyright? I’m just not sure. It seems like I’m okay with individuals using their internet wits to free up a few episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which you can watch on Netflix streaming now) but I’m against it at an institutional level. I feel hypocritical.

A topic touched on in the readings that I hadn’t given much thought to before is the idea of copying web design as an infringement of copyright—it’s an interesting idea. And one I should have considered before since I had a craft business online—and a copycat who lifted my designs and sold them as her own (she even went so far as to plagiarize the copy on my website but she didn’t lift the design—I’m a good crafter and bad web developer, it turns out). So I’m familiar with the frustrating feeling of having your creative ideas ripped off and badly reinterpreted.

I think, much like Lessig, that the rules need to be revised when it comes to copyright. We need to set up guidelines that allow for experimentation and creativity without truly damaging individual innovation and creativity. I liked many of the ideas he broached in the interview with Terry Gross (I also enjoyed his pacifying of her fear/outrage that Things Are Changing and She Does Not Understand).