Category: Crafty Gal

Baking Magnets

I was flipping through an old Martha Stewart magazine and noticed these little cut-out baking charts. So I just happened to have a roll of magnet paper. It has sticker on one side, magnet on the other. I cut these out of the magazine, pressed them onto the magnet sticky paper and cut out the magnet. Now they are on the fridge where they are easily viewed. I am thinking of putting a coating of Mod Podge on them to protect them from the elements but I haven’t had any issues so far.

Baking pan substitutions! Who doesn’t need that?

Thank You Cards

I whipped up some Thank You cards this weekend. I think they are kind of cute and cheerful.

They turned out better than I expected. I wanted the little blue thank you circle to look like a fish bowl vase. Eh. Kinda worked.

Cross Stitch From Hell’s North Pole


Recently I finished an epic counted cross stitch project. Before you think I’m crazy lemme explain! My mom loved Christmas. And she loved all Christmas things that were over the top and tacky. So I made this tree skirt with the idea that I would probably give it to her. She’s been dead for a year and a half so that tells you how many years this project has been in the works! So now, about five years after I started the stupid project I’m done! Whoooooo!

This project was epic! I’d worked on it during the holidays for the last few years but last fall I decided to just work on it until I was done. I’ve been working on it so diligently since then that I don’t even know what to do when I’m sitting around watching a TV show at night. I can’t do just one thing!

A detail of Santa’s sled.

So, yeah, it’s bananas. I haven’t cut it up to be a tree skirt yet because Dale feels it should be a runner instead–there are instructions on how to make it either of those things. Dale thinks it should be prominently displayed and not have the risk of getting sap on it and ruining it. He’s actually quite impressed with it (I’m guessing he’s just humoring me because he knows how much time I spent on this silly thing).

Anyway, no more cross stitch for me! And no more Christmas themed crap!

Hand-Painted Pet Bowls

My gal pals and I were on a paint-your-own pottery bender for a few months and this is one of the remnants from 2005. Two blue kitty “fish” bowls.

The water bowl is on the left–notice the fish floating in the bottom with a tiny paw print shadow over it! On the right is the food bowl–note the fish is only bones.

I’m a dork.

Vintage Bead Bracelet

I made this bracelet! I took apart an old necklace because I really liked the beads but it was nothing I would ever wear. I strung the beads on wire posts and ended up with this!

It’s soft and girly but not too dainty. I like it! I know nothing about jewelry making or design so this was very by the seat of my pants and I’m happy with it. The beads came from some costume jewelry I have that belonged to my grandmothers. I honestly don’t know whose necklace these beads came from–I’d guess my great grandmother Mamie but I did get a bunch from my grandma Agatha, too, so I’m not entirely sure!

WIP Cross Stich Update

So, yeah, still working on this horrible monster of a cross stitch project. I will NEVER do another cross stitch project again ever! It’s hard work! And I don’t even like it aesthetically. But I’ve invested too much time to give it up. Heh. Cruel irony!