Category: 3D Images

New Personal View-Master Reel: Indie Bookstores

Pull out your 3D glasses (the red/blue anaglyph kind)!

This is tangentially related to publishing, right? I have a 3D camera and I’m making my own 3D view-master reels using!

Here is my second reel that I’ll be sending in soon! Get a sneak peak here of Indie Bookstores of the Midwest (that I visited and photographed) in 2012.

Click on any photo to enter the gallery.

3D Thursday: Top Secret

Top Secret Dinosaur in Wisconsin Dells
Top Secret's dinosaur crashes through the White House.

This week’s 3D photo was taken while I was visiting the Wisconsin Dells. This is a totally normal thing to see in the Dells. Which is why it’s the most weird and wonderful and inauthentic place on earth.

3D Thursday!

I got a 3D camera as a birthday present from my husband. I collect View-Master reels and viewers. And I’ve always wanted to get into making personal view-master reels but the barrier for entry has been too high. Until now.

Since I’ve taken so many 3D pics I thought I’d share them here on a semi-regular basis. In order to put them on the web, I had to convert them to red/blue shift “anaglyph” images. You’ll need a pair of groovy 3D glasses to appreciate them. Friends, family, clients, and fans (ha!) can just ask me for a pair. I’ll be happy to send you a set. I bought a bunch on eBay and have already dropped a few in the mail.

The Village Booksmith
The Village Booksmith in Baraboo, Wisconsin

Click on the image to go full size. I think this is one of my favorite images so far!